Monthly Focus

Month of June 2024 - No More Shame

I welcome you all to the new month. The sixth month of the year, that is signalling the beginning of our new ministry year in FREEDOM ARENA.
We thank God for the gift of life. We are specially grateful to God for the first five months of the year of ENLARGEMENT.

What can we say about all that God did during the 16th convention. God exceeded all our expectations in all ramifications in the EXPANSION Convention. To God alone be all the glory! Hallelujah!
I say congratulations to us all and happy new year to everyone in this great commission.

The miracles and the blessings of the month of May,  and those of the 16th convention shall be permanent in our lives in Jesus name. Our season of expansion will NEVER expire in Jesus name.

God is still in the business of enlarging us as individuals, families and the ministry. 
His agenda in the month of May was to make us to SPREAD OUT.  Spreading out is a glorious experience that doesn’t leave a man where he used to be.
Therefore, God has promised to be gracious to us more than ever before in this month of June (Psalm 84:11)

By divine inspiration, the month of June has been declared as our month of NO MORE SHAME (Isaiah 54:4 NLT)

Isa 54:4  “Fear not; you will no longer live in shame. Don’t be afraid; there is no more disgrace for you. You will no longer remember the shame of your youth and the sorrows of widowhood.

I am greatly excited as God’s intervention in all our situations will be real and be visible to all this month.
God will terminate:
•All fears
•All shame
•All disgrace
•All Unpleasant past experiences
•All sorrows. Hallelujah!
When shame is removed, glory takes over!
You become a sudden attraction to those who have forgotten, forsaken and deserted you (Isaiah 60:15).
When your shame is removed, God answers your prayers by giving you miracles to celebrate.
 So, it is your season of celebrations (Luke 1:24-25, 57-58)
The good news is that this is our season of “congratulations” in every family and in this church. Get ready to share your testimonies as God of the NEW is  ready to do NEW THINGS for us all (Isaiah 43:18-19)
One thing God is requiring from us this month is to BELIEVE. Faith is a great fore-runner for glory (John 11:40, Hebrews 11:6)
Just believe! (Luke 1:45)
We shall all testify to the goodness of the Lord!